RÅC International Summer School

The RÅC International Summer School is a summer school on advanced materials research at large-scale X-ray and neutron facilities. The school is building on the German-Swedish Röntgen-Ångström-Cluster (RAC) and has a geographical focus around the Baltic Sea region.

Every August, the summer school offers a one-week top-class multidisciplinary program with international lecturers and tutors for master and diploma students in the final research phase of their study programs, PhD and doctoral students, as well as young postdocs, whose research is connected with the use of X-rays and/or neutrons from these most advanced research infrastructure facilities. The school emphasizes interactions and discussions among the participants and lecturers by providing a stimulating and enjoyable environment. Additionally, Tutorials are being offered at the end of each lecture day by individual lecturers for interested students.

This year's RÅC International Summer School 2025 will be held from August 24 - 31, 2025 in Estonia (More information).

Upcoming Summer School